Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kaadalil Vizhunthen. Done to Death

Girl meets boy, boy meets accident, girl takes care of him, boy falls in love, hesitates to express, girl finds out, Guna, Moodu Pani. KV is a mix of all of these with some good songs, fresh faces and acceptable performances.

Overall an above average movie. The story is simple. Boy and girl fall in love. Girl is killed by her uncle for money. Boy cannot come to terms with her death. Assumes she is still alive and hallucinates that she wants him to take her away from everyone else. “Kidnaps” the dead body. The uncle wants the body back so that he can perform the final rites and sets his goon behind the boy. Boy thinks they are behind him to separate them and starts killing all who come across his path, rather violently. In the end kills the uncle, thinks that the dead girl “dies” after a wound from her uncles gun shot and kills himself after killing the uncle.

You cannot “not” see traces of Guna where Nakul talks to the girl and in the looong scene where he sings to her. And the not coming to terms and talking to cadaver is a reminder of Moodu Pani

Nakul as the hero impresses, good dancing, good fights, above average emoting. The heroine is ok ok too. Except that she is mostly in the wheel chair, dead. Or, dancing around with the hero.

Nakul does not come to term with his girls death and presumes she is still alive and does not understand why they are being chased around. He has carried that with aplomb. The story unwinds in a good fashion. Does not drag unnecessarily, except the 2 songs after the girl is dead. Relief is that the songs are good. The song/dance sequence just prior to the climax is a pretty heavy one for a new hero, but Nakul carries it off with aplomb. We have to keep in mind that it is Nakul from Boys and not Kamal Haasan.

Sooriya’s Rating – Definitely can Watch Once!!