Monday, January 19, 2009

A day in the life of Superstar

I know this is off –topic. I know this does not get into the Movie Review theme. I also know that I am not going to get another opportunity like this. I also know that I can not meet the ‘Superstar”and “Miss World ” (or is it universe, does not really matter) at the same time.

It started off looking like the last weekend was also going to be the usual boring kind. But, a call from a distant friend changed all that. On Friday 9 Jan I received a call asking if I would be interested in being a part of Rajinikanth’s latest movie Enthiran (Robot in Tamil). Was I thrilled. I said yes, what do I need to do. All she said was that I have to reach the shooting spot at 8am on Sat in formal wear with tie, blazer et all.

All else was forgotten. I got a hair cut, pressed my clothes, blazer and was ready at 6am to leave home. I was joined by 4 friends. All 5 of us set off to see our “thalai” in flesh and blood.

We reach the shooting spot and see around 400-500 ppl dressed in formals there. What’s happening? We find out later that all of them are there for the same reason. What a dampener? We all loose our enthusiasm. The coordinator we were asked to meet there asked us to get in and sit.

I can not give more info of what and where as that would give away something about the movie, right. And Shankar will definitely not like that. After seeing him in action for 2 whole days and the pains he goes through in keeping things under control, you just do not want to “leak” the smallest information knowingly or otherwise.

So back to my story, we all went inside and that is when I noticed that about half of us were in blazers and tie and some in shirt, tie and some with only formal shirt on. So, there was a difference. The assistant directors were running around here and there looking for good “property”, that is how they referred to us all. And they concluded that I was one of the “good” property. Hence, I was asked to sit in the second row of one section of seats. One of my friends was asked to sit in the first row and was informed that Danny Denzongpa (this is common info that he is part of the movie) was going to sit next to him (my friend. Iwas thrilled. I was going to sit next to one of the main characters and had all chances of getting in the “frame”. While all these thoughts were running in my mind, I was asked to move to the next section first row, in between 2 old men. :-(, imagine my plight.

The assistant director then came to me and asked me to kind of sit “down” in my seat. He told me that I am blocking the view of the person sitting behind me. I turned around and saw an empty seat there. Duh!! What was he doing?

It is 9am and in walks the Superstar. A thunderous applause breaks out, shouts of “thalaivaa” nearly brings the set down. One wave of his hand and the crowd nearly calms down. Now starts the Superstars day. The man breezes through the day. He does not flinch an eyelid if he has to stand rooted in one place for even about 10-15 mins for the lighting to be set. While most stars would make someone else stand in for them, the Superstar does not mind doing it himself. Carries his chair wherever he goes. Talks to everyone on the set. Mingles with them. I mean, he does everything that we have heard that he does, and it is very clearly not because he has to “live upto” the expectations set, but it just comes to him naturally. That’s all.

Imagine my excitement, when it turned out that the “person” I was covering up was the Superstar. Yes, he was sitting right behind me and beside him was Aish.

What else can a die hard Rajini fan who has never set foot inside a shooting spot hope for.

That day and the next almost breezed past me as I was sitting there either in front of Rajini or sitting in the front row watching the man perform.

I also got to shake hands with him and get his autograph, that’s only a bonus, considering that I got to watch the man for 2 whole days.

So, what does the title got to do with the blog. I could go on and on writing about him. His humility and stuff like that. But that would require too much time.