Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Once bitten, twice shy - Billa 2, a critical view.

Once bitten, twice shy - Billa 2.

If you can enjoy Ajith climbing down the stairs with a bazooka blasting away in the background and whistle for the "thala", then do not read on. This movie is a must watch for you.

What starts off promising, whittles away as a less than mediocre fare that is a culmination of many movies. If the "madurai ponnu" song is reminiscent of "naan sirithall deepavali" from Nayagan right down to Ajith's hairstyle and shirt style, the last sequence of the termination of all the "villians" reminds you of the The Godfather's sequence where Michael takes out the heads of all the families. Too many similarities and yet, too little stuff. The story line does not lead anywhere. The punch dialogues are too few and too spaced out to carry any impact. The heroine is wasted. It remains to mystery why Ajit would cry at the death of someone who he hardly had any relationship with or intended to?

The only saving grace of the movie is Abassi (Sudanshu Pandey). The character and the actor leave a lasting impression. A good launch pad for a good actor. All the others are just wasted. Vidyut Jamwal as Dmitri has no scope what so ever. The taleted actor we saw flexing his muscles in Force, the hindi remake of Khakka Khakka does 2 stunt scenes and 1 is with Ajith that he has to loose in. Waste of talent.

Coming to the story. Man lands in India from Sri Lanka, is abused, hits back, is plotted against to trap him in drug smuggling, escapes, joins hands with the dealer, leaves the dealer for larger business, ends up in Goa, helps international arms smuggler retreive is stuff, gets in to the big league, takes deicisions that boss does not like, boss tries to kill him, kills boss, looses his girl friend, goes to some far eastern country and kills the arms smuggler, kills everyone connected and then STARTS his Don days. Straight story. No twists, no turns.

Come to think of it, can not write anything else. Cinematography is excellent. GOod choice of female bodies across the movie. Average music. Average background score.