Tuesday, April 28, 2015

OK Kanmani, OK OK- Passion-Compassion, as my beloved says.

While media is abuzz that Mani has touched a subject that is taboo in most of India, live-in, I disagree, as the movie is not about live-in's at all. At no point in the movie does anyone discuss the pro's and con's or is there any lengthy discussion about it, suggestive or otherwise.
What really happens is that 2 people of similar thought process meet, fall in love, live together, understand the bonding of marriage and in the end, get married. What transpires between them has been told in a fashion that is truly Mani in style.

Maniratnam, once again, proves that he is a master of his art. The eloquence with which the movie moves from one segment to another is simply brilliant. You almost miss the transition.

Simple love story. Boy meets girl. Both like each other. Live together. Experience separation. Get married. What makes it interesting are the other 2 characters in the movie. Prakash Raj as Ganapthy uncle and Leela Samson as Bhavani aunty.
In literal terms, the movie is "made" by them, rather than the 2 lead protagonists. The bonding they share and the effect it has on the leads is what the movie is all about. That they teach the young leads what marriage and compassion is, is an understatement. It is a message to the audience at large on the institution of marriage and what companionship really means.
While at one end, it is all about romance, physical relationship and wooing. The other end portrayed by the older couple epitomizes the care, companionship, patience and love that is enduring.

Again, not at all about live in's and more about love in it's truest sense.