Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kabaali - Well, who is he?

Kabaali - Well, who is he?

Though it can remind the hardcore Rajini fan of the yesteryear character in one of his movies (Janakaraj in Padikaathavan?, if memory serves me right), it is definitely not a fun movie.
Is Kabaali a mass hero movie?. Though it does spread roots there, it is not an out and out mass movie like a Baasha. But no less.
Is Kabaali a messiah? Nah. With the climax the way it is, it is definitely not so.
Is Kabaali a wannabe Godfather (read Naaagan), much closer. But then which gangster movie made in the next 100 years will not be compared to these greats. None!!!

So who is Kabaali? In essence, WHAT is Kabaali!!!!. Trying to solve the puzzle here.

What Kabaali is, is a phenomenon called RajiniKanth. And in all true senses, the kaantham (magnetic force) in his eyes, which has enthralled audiences for years together now, continues.
What it also proves is that, even such a charismatic artist as such, require a good script. What happened to Lingaa, we all know and that is proof enough.
What it also proves is that we need a new league of directors to take our SuperStar to the next level.

Unfortunately, for us fans, and let us admit, it also proves that our SuperStar is  SUPER, but also old. We are not able to see the briskness that is soooo associated with him. We are not able to see, believe and digest him now smothering some 5 or 10 people. Due credit to the stunt director who has made all effort to see to it that the stunt sequences are "effortless" and believable, even then, in some of the scenes, the age does creep in.

In essence, What Kabaali is, is a tribute to the SuperStar, and one which cannot be surpassed, till one such comes, in the near future.

What is it not!!

Not many of you will love to hear this, but then, here goes.

It is not a run off the mill Rajini starrer, to start with the positives.

Now, having said that, the positive is also a HUGE negative. The fact that many of us still have our throats in place and functional, in spite of the FDFS, is proof that it is not one.

It is surely not in the lines of a Darmadurai or a Padaiyappa or even a Baasha for that matter. 

What it is, is a gangster movie and a Ranjith one at the end. An out an out directors movie that is well made

The elements that keep a Rajini movie alive are ALL present and omnipresent throughout the movie.As I said earlier, a better movie to remember our SuperStart is surely yet to be conceived.

Any more and I will have to dwell in to the story, which in this case, not only is irrelevant, but also a spoiler.

Marana Maaaas, as I told many of my friends!!! To sum it up, that is what Kabaali is....Marana Maass... kozhi kari!!?? :-)