Monday, July 21, 2008

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

A must watch Batman movie for all of the caped crusaders fans. By far, personally, the best Batman movie ever made.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object"? This is one of the last dialogues that The Joker delivers to The Batman. This one question is answered through the movie. How incorruptible the Batman is as the immovable object and the destructive force that is The Joker.

The face of The Joker, his little annoyance when the hospital does not blow to the ground, many might see this as just a little prank of The Joker, while it actually gives in a lot into his psychological state.

The story line of the movie is pretty simple. You have The Joker who wants total control of Gotham city, The Batman, who wants to save the city from him, you have Harvey Dent (Two face, later) who believes that Batman can save them all, and you have the public who are divided in their opinions about the Batman, whether he is a savior or a vigilante who needs to be punished.

Long story short, The Joker gets the local mobs to help him kill Batman so that they can get their money and carry on with their business and The Joker starts killing innocent people one by one asking the Batman to remove his mask and expose himself. But before Bruce Wayne exposes himself, Harvey Dent proclaims that he is the Batman and gives himself up to the police. The Joker tries to kill him during transit when The Batman and Commissioner Gordon save him and capture the Joker.
The Joker manages to kidnap Harvey and Rachel (who Harvey is to marry and Bruce also dated previously) and taunts Gordon and Batman. Batman manages to get information as to where they are held and hurries to save Rachel while Grodon goes to save Harvey. But the Joker had switched the places and Batman ends up saving Harvey but Gordon fails in his attempts to save Rachel.
Harvey, who is now disfigured blames Gordon for not trusting him earlier when he had told that many inside the police force were corrupt and blames him for the death of Rachel and his current state. The joker meanwhile announces that he is going on a rampage and everyone who is alive by nightfall is under his "rule". He visits Harvey and corrupts his mind before blowing up the hospital in which Harvey is being treated. But Harvey is allowed to escape before that. Harvey goes about the city killing everyone who he feels is involved deciding their fate by tossing his coin evolving as the Two Face. He kidnaps Gordons family and holds them hostage in the building where Rachel was killed.
Batman ends up fighting all of The Jokers goons and the SWAT team of the police who have mistaken the hostages for The Jokers accomplices and finally ends up hanging The Joker upside down outside a building. The Joker then lets the Batman know that Harvey is still alive but that he, The Joker, has managed to "warp" him. Batman hurries to save Gordon and in the process kills Harvey.
Batman and Gordon decide to blame Batman for the killings so that The Joker does not win and the faith people had in Harvey does not wither away. Gordon reluctantly agrees and sets up a manhunt against the Batman while breaking the Batman beacon that's always been on top of his building.

THAT was not as short as i thought it would be. :-)

The action sequences are great. Batpod (Batmans new motorcycle) is phenomenal. The chase sequence where The Joker attempts to kill Harvey assuming he is the Batman is well made. Batman has an oportunity to kill The Joker at that point but does not do so. Even during the end of the movie the Batman does not kill the Joker. On this the Joker comments "you will not kill me, coz u can not and I will not kill you coz then there is no fun" and adds on the title of this page.

Christopher Nolan has given us some wonderful movies, Insomnia(Al Pacino and Robin Williams), Batman Begins (Christian Bale, Liam Neeson), Memento(Guy Pearce), The Prestiege(Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale). There are others that I have not watched. Memento is more well known for us as Ghajini(Surya).

Christian Bale - The Batman, Bruce Wayne
Heath Ledge - The Joker
Aaron Eckhart - Harvey Dent/Two Face
Gary Oldman - Commissioner James Gordon
Michael Caine - Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce's trusted butler
Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox, who supplies Bruce with all the gear that Batman needs

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